
Get the best IT services for your home at unbeatable prices! Enjoy reliable tech support whenever you need it. Explore our Remote, On-Site options to find the perfect solution for you.

For businesses, we offer customized IT solutions at the best rates. Schedule an appointment today and let us take care of your technology needs!


Regular Hours
(2 hours*)
After Hours
Saturday, Sunday and Holidays
(2 hours)

✓ Virtual computer diagnosis 
✓ Virtual IT Support via chat
✓ Antivirus
✓ One remote service:

    • PC Tune-up and virtual repair
    • Virus and Spyware removal
    • Software installation**

✓  Corrective and preventive software maintenance


2 hours per device. Additional charges shall be applied for each hour of service. After the free estimate the technician can decide if the technical failure can be fixed remotely or if on-site assistance is required.

**Must be provided by the user

On Site

Regular Hours

(2 hours*)
(Max 10 miles from Clearwater).
After Hours
Saturday, Sunday and Holidays
(2 hours)

✓ On-site computer diagnosis 
✓ One Preventive maintenance:

  • Physical cleaning 
  • Virus and Spyware removal 
  • Software installation*
  • *Must be provided by the user

✓ Corrective maintenance
✓ Antivirus
✓ Virtual IT Support via chat
Complete Restore

Cancellations and refunds are subject to the cancellation policy.


2 hours per device. Additional charges shall be applied for each hour of service. After the free estimate the technician can decide if the technical failure can be fixed remotely or if on-site assistance is required.

**Must be provided by the user

*Fees for any necessary parts, accessories, or permits will be charged in addition to the monthly/annual plan fee for each standard in-home service. Also, a trip charge may apply for the travel outside the Clearwater metro area)